EOY Exams and such

Hi Scouts,
You must be wondering why the lack of updates on our blog. As the case for all guys who hit 18 years of age, it is mandatory to serve National Service for 2 years, and henceafter, go for Reservist for a period of 10 cycles or until you are 40 years of age (10 cycles means 10 times, once a year usually). Come to think of it, Scouting does prepare you for NS in future. Skills like first-aid, knotting and things which you go through like marching, hiking and so on are also carried out in the army. Not only that, those who are PLs/APLs or in other positions of leadership will find it easier to lead your men in the army should you be entrusted with a leadership role as well. Anyone who is interested to find out more on what the army is like can feel free to talk to me or any of the other adult leaders who have gone through NS.
Due to the current MOE system of having O lvls commence earlier, all CCAs have to be put on hold. Do work hard for your EOY exams!
As what Ms. Hamida have briefed, there are a few up-and-coming camps after exams.
Combined Unity scout and guides camp (2D1N – tentative)
After working together for the better part of the year, a combined camp between our scouts and guides units will not only foster better relationships (scout law 3), the camp will also be a test on how much you’ve learnt during this year. Of course, we’ll be having our outdoor cooking since I guess most of you are eager to do so but due to the lack of time during scout meetings, we are unable to pull it off.
Combined Unicorn Scout Group camp (3D2N)
Every year, it is a tradition for everyone of us in USG to come together for a group camp. This year will be special as we’ll also be involving the cadet scouts from Unity Pri School in this event. Group camps shouldn’t be confused with the combined camps between Unity and Dunearn for activities such as Job Week or Campfires. In Group camps, everyone is involved, from the leaders right down to the junior scouts. Activities will be fun and all scouts will be able to experience camping in the outback amid our concrete jungle. More details to be given to all once everything is finalised.
Goodwill Camp 2007
Goodwill camps have been an almost yearly feature either organized by our Scouts HQ or by the respective Areas. Goodwill camps involve camping with our fellow scouts in the Asean region. It is a very good experience, and I can say that those who went to goodwill camps often want to go for more. The cost will be a bit more expensive (roughly $300) because this involves a 7-8 days trip which includes transport, accomodation and food. For those who are interested to go, the camp fees can be sourced from Edusave funds and subsidized with our own unit fund as well as paying a bit out of your own pockets. Do contact myself or Ms. Hamida if you are interested.
Alright, once again, good luck for your exams and hope to see all of you come next scout meeting.
SL Jeremy
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